Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now closed.
Oral Presentation Sessions
Guidance on preparing your presentation:
- Presentation Procedure
- For working group presentations, speakers will be expected to present from their own devices. Working group leaders must be contacted ahead of time to arrange for backup devices for those unable to present from their own. You are encouraged to test your presentation before your session to ensure that all fonts, images, movies, etc. display correctly.
- Laptops will be provided for the plenary sessions. The chair of each plenary session will download your talk to the presentation laptop before the session. The laptops will be running Windows 10 Home and have the 2019 version of PowerPoint found on Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 and Adobe Reader installed. All projectors will have a 16:10 aspect ratio, with 1920 x 1200 resolution for the plenaries and the Working Groups in the Peak 4 and Peak 5 rooms, and 1280 x 800 for the other Working Groups. Please use either Microsoft PowerPoint of Adobe PDF as your file format.
- Length of presentations:
- Plenary presentations are 25 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
- Working Group oral presentations do not have a fixed duration, but instead are up to the Working Group leaders. You must check the indico timetable per the above instructions to get the length of your presentation.
- Working Group summary presentations are 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.
Guidance on submitting your viewgraphs:
- All presentations must be uploaded to the indico server before the session in which they are to be presented. You should be able to do this from “My Contributions.” Viewing the contribution should allow you to “Add Material” by clicking the pencil icon next to the “Presentation Materials” heading. Press “Upload Files” to select the file to upload. The Material type should be “Slides” and the access should be public. Please upload your presentation at the earliest opportunity.
- Please bring your talk on a USB memory stick as a backup.
Poster Session
The Poster Session & Reception will take place on Tuesday, November 8. Snacks, beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be served.
Student Posters in the Grand Ballroom Salons FGH
Contributed Posters in the Grand Ballroom Foyer
Please make note of the following:
- Student posters are automatically entered into the best student poster prize competition. Each student poster will be visited by members of the poster prize committee, who serve as the judges (the judges are not required to identify themselves). One winner will be chosen from each working group. The winners will be notified, likely on Wednesday, and asked to give a 10-minute presentation in the second plenary session on Friday. Students are also welcome, and encouraged, to submit complementary abstracts as an oral contribution for the parallel sessions.
- Each horizontal poster board measures 4 ft (height, top to bottom) x 8 ft (width, right to left), (122 cm x 244 cm) and has two sides (front and back).
- Each side will be shared by two presenters so the maximum poster size is 4×4 ft.
- Poster presenters are expected to arrange their material on poster boards before the session starts. Setup can take place as early as Sunday, November 6, but must be completed before the poster session. All posters must be taken down by Thursday at lunch time at the latest.
- The poster should be readable from a distance of a least 1 m (3 feet). Suggested sizes include: minimum graph size 25 cm (10”), section heading letter 1 cm (1/3”), and text and figure lettering not less than 0.5 cm (1/8”). Students who wish to compete for the poster prize are expected to be at their poster throughout the 120-minute poster session.
- All posters will be grouped by Working Group number. Each poster will be labeled “WG X – #”, where X is the working group number and # is the poster number. Poster board numbers will be assigned at a later date. Poster presenters will be notified by email of their board number. Please set up your poster in the proper location.
- You will be provided with tacks/pins to mount your papers to the board. No audio-visual equipment will be supplied.
- Presenters may bring pre-prints or handouts and make them available on the poster board.
- The organizers reserve the right to exclude from the published proceedings any paper without a corresponding presentation at the workshop.
- It is NOT acceptable to merely post a copy of your paper. Such papers will be marked as a “no-show” presentation.
- Changes to abstracts are at the discretion of the working group leaders.
Please note that AAC 2022 accepts no responsibility for material that may be left behind, lost, stolen, or damaged.
- DO use large, easy-to-read letters
- DO include a heading title, with Author(s) and Institution(s)
- DO include a brief abstract
- DO include clear figures and tables
- DO NOT simply post up typed pages from a paper
- DO NOT clutter poster with details
- Posters should be self-explanatory
Conference Proceedings
Proceedings will be due by February 10, 2023.
Further instruction on formatting and submission procedures can be found here..