We are happy to announce that the AAC 2022 papers are now published!

AAC 2022 Proceedings

The following information is being provided to help with the preparation of the proceedings. Apologies for the delay in establishing the proceeding’s submission procedure.

Procedure summary: The deadline for proceedings has been extended to February 10. Proceedings can now be submitted through https://forms.gle/XT4D6MhmLXJLC3JF8. Please submit both the pdf as well as the source files. Both word and Latex template are provided by the IEEE (see below). After going through an editorial process, the proceedings will be produced as an eGuide, with hyperlinks individual PDFs to enable searches by author, title, session, and track, as applicable, as well as full-text searches.

Page Limit: The proceedings should be limited to five pages

Templates: The Word and Latex templates can be found here: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html
Please use US Letter as the page style.

Copyright Form: A signed copyright form will be required for each manuscript. The copyright process is managed centrally by IEEE. The corresponding authors will be contacted after the proceedings submission closes on February 10, 2023. Please sign and submit the copyright forms by February 24, 2023.

AAC’22 Proceedings Editor: Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi